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Meaningful Messages
From Spirit

"They are always there. Supporting, guiding &
loving us."

We're all gifted with intuition. It just so happens that some of us have a stronger connection than others.

During a psychic mediumship reading with me, I will connect with the spiritual realm to guide you and answer any questions you may have.

Psychic readings deliver messages of hope, love, and healing. It relieves pain and gives you an understanding that leads to a peaceful experience.

If you've never had a reading before, I recommend going in with an open mind. And, if any of this sounds a little frightening, just know your loved ones are there to support you, and communicating with them can be a comforting experience.

Types of Readings:

Mediumship Readings bring messages from your loved ones who have passed. Spirit and energies are the source of all the information, insight, and guidance.

Psychic Readings are psychic perceptions and energetic readings without connecting to your passed loved ones.

Individual and Family Medium Reading

A reading is for you if you want to experience the deep healing that comes from connecting with Spirit through a mediumship reading.

​Readings are in person or virtually any day, evening, or weekend.

30-Minutes: $150.
45-Minutes: $200.

Family sessions are for two to three family members who want to do a reading together. 

Group Medium Reading 

Group readings are both powerful and special for everyone who attends. Group sessions are for 4 to 10 people.


​Group readings are in person or virtually any day, evening, or weekend.

Gallery Reading
60-Minutes: $600. 

Mingle Reading
4-6 Guests / 60-Minutes: $600.

A Gallery Reading is for a group of people together in one room. Guests come together with an amazing joint energy that connects to Spirit, allowing the group to share in one another’s experience. Not everyone is guaranteed a reading, as Spirit decides who to connect with and for how long. 

A Mingle Reading is a one-on-one reading for each person while the other guests mingle.  


For Groups with more than Ten, Contact Me for more information. 

How I see it....

Light shining on him...

"Today was amazing. I did a few readings, but one communicator stood out. I saw my client's dad, who had passed, and gave her evidence that it was him. Towards the end, I saw him in prison with a white light shining on him. I told my client that I felt he was in prison and was wrongfully accused. She validated that for me and told me it was true. He did get out after a year." 


The white bird...

"When I did a reading this morning, my client's father in the spirit world showed me a white bird and said when she sees them, it is a sign he is there with her. After the reading was over, she told me that at his funeral at the cemetery; there was a white goose out of nowhere. I LOVE these validations so much! So healing!"


Hoping for my nephew...

"I did a reading for someone yesterday. The reading was coming to an end, and she said she hoped her nephew would come through. I told my client that I can't always guarantee, the spirit world directs who comes through. As soon as she said nephew, I saw him. I asked her to confirm that he was a teen, and soon I saw that he had committed suicide. She confirmed, and she was grateful he came at the end. He wanted to tell her that he was safe and happy now."


On the lookout...

As I was waiting for my client, Lisa, to come to see me, I was vacuuming my kitchen floor. When I was putting the wire away, I noticed 2 pennies lying on the floor that were not there before. I knew immediately that they were not for me. Seeing two means, we are okay. I looked at the dates of both pennies and saw they were from 2021. When Lisa rang the bell, I knew they were meant for her. I told her how I found them and the dates on them. She started to cry, and she said she was here to connect with her loved one, who passed in 2021. The signs are always there. We need to be aware and on the lookout!

Important Disclaimer

You can record your session. There is always a possibility that I may not be able to read for you. If I cannot read for you, I will be honest and let you know. You may wish for one person to make their presence known. While I hope they do, I cannot promise you that any one person will come through. If they are present, I cannot promise they will communicate. I will do my best to make sure that whoever does step forward to communicate with you, I will make you aware of who they are and why they are here.  

Please note that in mediumship work, there is evidence of information, but there may also be other information given during a reading. As the evidence information stands independently, the other information is only an opinion from the communication. It is then one's responsibility as to the choice that is made based on this communication. I hold no responsibility for anyone's personal preference.  

Please note that there is a 12-hour cancellation policy.

All readings are offered for healing purposes only. What you choose to do with the information, including any action you take after receiving the information, is your responsibility and choice. Information received from Jill E. Davis is not a substitute for professional services and should not be construed as guidance on financial, legal, psychological, or health-related issues. For such matters, you should seek advice from an appropriate and qualified expert in the said field. Jill E. Davis shall not be liable for any action or non-action taken by the client regarding the information presented during the session.

2022 @ Jill E. Davis


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Jill E. Davis
Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher


Although I call New Jersey home, I happily work with clients throughout the US.   

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